The Junior Scientist and Industry annual meeting takes place in three steps:
Morning session: talks by industry representatives & panel discussion – 9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Speakers lineup (click on the speaker’s name for their presentation):
Emanuel Peinke | PhD, System Integration Engineer, Alpao | ![]()
Maël Bosson | PhD, CEO & Co-Founder, eBikeLabs | ![]()
Barbara Fayard | PhD, CEO, Notivom | ![]()
James Butterworth | PhD, Head of cryocooler development activities, Air Liquide advanced technologies | ![]()
Eric Vezzoli | PhD, CEO & Co-Founder, GoTouchVR | ![]() |
Mid-day session: Midi-MINATEC, 12.30pm-2.00 pm
- Part 1: Talk by ABG Bérénice Kimpe
Association Bernard Gregory (ABG): supporting PhD students and graduates in their career – Bérénice Kimpe, in charge of international cooperation at ABG
- Part 2: Video clips screening
Young researchers will have 15 seconds to convince the industry professionals to have a look at their posters and CVs during a special edition of « Midi MINATEC ».
The first 40 junior scientists to submit a clip will have their portrait taken for free by a professional photographer to use on their CVs and professional networks profiles.
- Part 3: Poster discussions at lunch time
During the lunch time, researchers will be able to meet interested professionals, hand them their CVs and discuss around their posters while enjoying free sandwiches. At the end of lunch time, the best three video clipswill be awarded attractive prizes (vouchers).
Afternoon session: roundtables, 2.15pm-4.45 pm
During this last session, several round table sessions involving professional experts will take place. Researchers will have opportunities to get answers to their questions. They will be also able to ask for advices and opinions pertaining to their CV to see if it needs any major correction or fine-tuning.
We are still working on the rountable programme. So far, we have confirmed two 1-hour sessions (2.15-3.15pm and 3.45-4.45pm) of each of the following:
RT1: Working in France: Residence permits and Career development – Lucie Jiraskova, UGA ISSO
There have been new regulations and procedures to facilitate professional integration of international talents in France. This seminar aims at providing:
• Information about residence permit renewals and the different types and statuses you might apply for according to your current and future projects;
• Euraxess – Tips and tools for your career development
RT2: Transferrable skills and how to market them – Bérénice Kimpe, ABG
As a PhD, you have developed many skills that can be used in both academic and industrial environments, not just scientific skills. They will help you to make the jump from academia to industry.What are they? How can you relate them to your experience? That’s what you’re going to discuss in this workshop! Advice and tools on how to market your skills will be given at the end of the workshop.
RT3: Brush up your interview skills – Soad Louissi, Speak English Center
RT4: Working in the energy sector –
Session 1: Fostering innovation skills through the InnoEnergy PhD school programme to connect better with industry in the energy field – by Christine Dominjon
Session 2: The startup experience in the energy sector – by Gilles Moreau